Thursday, October 6, 2022

Rohan's awards for Onam EMA competitions - 1st place for pencil drawing, chess and caroms...9th Grade

Rohan's guitar performance in Onam Band EMA 2022...9th Grade

Poetry publication, Fall 2020... 6th grade poem

Taekwondo gold medal champion, 2022..8th Grade

rohan's Art work selected for being displayed at DASD (downingtown Area school district )Art gallery at Trestle place, March 2022. 8th Grade (would be displayed for two years )

Rohan's music band at Hershey's park... Won first prize...8th grade...Downingtown Middle School, PA

Rohan's Art ...6th grade...2020

Rohan's 3D project... Jan 2020...6th Grade

Toucan... July 2021